LB Book Review Policy

Hi, I’m Lauren, and I’m the voice behind Literary Bread. Literary Bread focuses on international literary fiction that has been translated into English. I accept for review solicited advanced reading copies (ARCs), review copies of books, and newer titles issued no later than 3 months after the translation publication date.

On occasion, I do make exceptions for earlier releases assuming they fit into my niche or are extraordinary additions to the canon of translated literature.

I ask that you please read my review policy in full before requesting my services.

Book Formats LB Accepts

Physical Book Copies are preferred (better for taking photos and featuring on social media!)

Digital copies are also accepted.

Book Review Format

My reviews include the following information:

  • Book Cover, Title, Author, Translator, Publisher, Number of Pages
  • Synopsis
  • Non-Spoiler Review (unless otherwise warned)
  • Information About The Author

Where LB Shares Book Reviews

I share books on the below platforms. I welcome you to share my links or tag @literarybread on Instagram!

Book Review Policy Disclaimer

By contacting me with a request to review, you acknowledge and respect my right to share my honest opinion. All assessments, critiques, and opinions are my own and are not meant to cause harm in any way.

Upon receiving and reading a title, if a book is poorly edited, in poor taste, or does not catch my interest to the extreme, I reserve the right to decline a review. I may or may not inform you on why I declined the review.

Additional Book-Related Services

If I accept your book for a review, other services available may include:

  • Hosting a giveaway with author/publisher-provided materials
  • Author/translator interview features on the website
  • Showcasing a sponsored ad on social media (purchased)

Submitting a Request

Please email me at to submit a request. You should include the following information:

  • Titleauthortranslator, publisherpublication date, original language, book format (digital or print), and summary of the book
  • An official book cover image and permission from you/your publisher to use the cover in a responsible manner on the website and across social media